
Ellie’s dear six year old cousin Anna from Atlanta sent me two notes yesterday, including the one above. It was just too cute not to share and I know came with lots of love attached.

Anna, you are such a loving, devoted cousin to Micah and I know you will be equally good with Ellie. We love you!

And now, our week and a half old little girl sitting pretty for a few shots today…

About Susanna

A follower of Jesus, married to Rick for 18 years, mother to 3 boys and 3 girls, a writer all my life. A believer that, above all else, I am beautifully loved and mercifully redeemed by a savior who came to rescue mess-ups like me.
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10 Responses to Precious

  1. Ally says:

    What a sweet letter. And lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Shannon says:

    I love the dress that Ellie is wearing. She is adorable and you can see lots of Micah in her! I love Anna’s letter. Wasn’t that sweet!! Glad to hear that you are all well!

  3. Grace says:

    What a cute letter from Anna…and what a beautiful baby!!!!

  4. Kane, Jana and Mara Kate says:

    How Sweet—Older cousins are such fun!I see A LOT of Rick in Ellie. 🙂 Hope you all are doing well!!!

  5. Matt and Betty Morris says:

    Ellie looks so beautiful! Congratulations again! Thanks for sharing so many great photos

  6. Anonymous says:

    Susanna,How cute. I can’t wait until my kids are writing precious notes like that. Ellie is growing so fast already! And her profile is so you! Got your note yesterday. So sorry you had such a chaotic week. Wish I was closer to help more. Hope to see you soon!Love,Adrienne

  7. YOLANDA says:

    awwwwwwwwwwww.sooo cute..ellie & the letter..i love it!! ellie kinda looks like rick in those shots (the eyes & nose)..i miss you and hope to see you soon!! -yolanda

  8. Anonymous says:

    She sure looks pretty. She lokks really aware just as her Micah did when he was an infant.Dad

  9. Anonymous says:

    -I love your babe, and I love mine for loving yours. Across the miles, the bond is forged, and the loyalty. I love seeing that. Hope you are having a great time with Mom!!!Maryanne

  10. Not-as-Newlyweds says:

    Such a sweet little note! :)I also wanted to let you know there is a new fabric line out called “Park Slope.” I don’t know if your new apt. is in that neighborhood anymore, but you can see it here Hope you four are having a good week! 🙂

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