Never A Reason To Worry!

Expenses have been piling up for Rick and I this month:

  1. We found out our medical plan only paid for 80% of the OB appointments up to a certain amount and then it pays the whole thing but we thought it was 100% all the way!
  2. Rick’s car got totaled a few weeks ago so we are looking for another car
  3. Our rent will be going up approx. $100 in June
  4. After 2 years, I NEED to go to the dentist but we don’t have a dental plan so it will be totally out of pocket!

Well, we’ve been keeping all these things in constant prayer and lo and behold, Rick’s boss took him out for lunch today and told him he’ll be getting a raise! We don’t know exactly how much yet but it really doesn’t matter cause every little bit will help and more than anything, it just goes to show that as always God hears, God cares, God honors prayer and He is just so incredibly faithful!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

About Susanna

A follower of Jesus, married to Rick for 18 years, mother to 3 boys and 3 girls, a writer all my life. A believer that, above all else, I am beautifully loved and mercifully redeemed by a savior who came to rescue mess-ups like me.
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5 Responses to Never A Reason To Worry!

  1. bchallies says:


  2. daniel says:

    Rick’s getting a raise??? Never thought I’d hear that… 🙂

  3. mom R. says:

    Nothing thrills my soul more than to see you two trust in God’s faithfulness. He is faithful – thanks for the reminder.

  4. maryanne helms says:

    great news. I know that Rick deserves that raise, for all his hard work and responsibility. And your story is a great encouragement to me. thanks for sharing.

  5. Neo says:

    Rose – Wow, that sucks about the car!And those medical bills are a pain. Sadly there are some people who do nothing get all their stuff paid for free. Cgrats to your other half on the raise. And good luck at the dentist! Peace & Hugs,- Neo

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